Philanthropic Perception
The time has come for us to move forward in the spirit of returning what has been taken from society, our families, and you as a man– Responsibility! Listening to us whimper, I begin to wonder, why even complain if we choose not to change our actions? Quick to place blame on everyone else but […]
Sometimes suddenly… Without warning or any preparation, you either accept it or reject it with little to no hesitation! Sometimes it’s a process… You weigh the odds and consequences; You make plans for the future, and you stick with your decisions. Everybody criticizes… Sometimes constructive other times destructive. Regardless of people’s opinions, you must “somehow” […]
“Young, Impressionable and in Prison”
Young, impressionable and in prison. Three descriptive qualities which can be used to characterize the multitude in the penal system. For some this is their first time being locked up, while there are those that have been through these gates several times in a cycle call recidivism. I, at twenty-two years old, fit this niche […]
“Critical Awareness, Prodigal Son: Finding Your Way”
As a sibling of discourse the sloth development from a boy to a man has been challenging. Though I wasn’t deprived, being without a father had a lot to do with what and who I chose as a role model. In search of wealth, crime became my manual, serving my first prison conviction at the […]
The Dreaded Wall
I was talking to a family member and during the course of dialogue they said, ” You been behind bars almost 30 years, but you remain strong, how do you do it?” Now before I go deep into that question I must give you readers some of my background. Firstly, I was a young arrogant […]
Analyze the concept that’s presented before you. Can you picture it… A world void of corruption where babies live and problems don’t exist. Can you picture it… A world void of separation where families strive and persecution diminishes. Can you picture it… A world void of segregation where the right of every man actually means […]
The Sins Of A Father
There’s a saying that goes, “the sins of the father are visited upon the child.” When one commits a crime, and ends up in prison, rarely does that individual take into account the hardship which he/she has now placed at feet of their love ones. Those that they say, that they love and care for, […]
Tough On Crime
As a child, raised and taught to be conscious of the history of our country, my pigment and its role in my future. Coming of age has been mind-boggling; Faced with the onset of reality. To see, in a society so progressive in thought and modern in legislation, that we still live under the rule […]
“Masked But Not Hidden”
As a child, raised and taught to be conscious of the history of our country, my pigment and its role in my future. Coming of age has been mind-boggling; Faced with the onset of reality. To see, in a society so progressive in thought and modern in legislation, that we still live under the rule […]
What Time Is It?
“WHAT TIME IS IT?” * It’s time to step up, do it for yourselves and others, for those hugging corners, and your sisters, brothers, fathers, and mothers. * It’s time to tell it like it is, it’s time to stop lying. Our children are more afraid of living, than dying. * It’s time to take […]